Thursday, January 16, 2014

Another chapter, how many is this now?

Hello everyone. We thought we'd get an update out here for those who want to know a little more about what's going on with Natalie. We update Facebook, but there's only so much you can do on there.

Heidi and Natalie are on their way back from Minneapolis after a 10 day adventure. This all started on Saturday Jan. 4, when Natalie started vomiting and couldn't keep anything down. We tried what we could, but nothing improved by Sunday. Our cardiologist told us to bring her in to the hospital, so we did that day. She stayed in the hospital in Bismarck until Thursday, and the doctor sent her via air ambulance to Minneapolis where they had more resources to get her better. They adjusted feeds, and tried several different things to get her vomiting under control, which they finally accomplished. The belief is that she probably caught some kind of virus, which was exacerbated by what she already has going on with her heart.

So, at long last, they get to come home, thankfully. It's been a long week without them here as I drove to Minneapolis over the weekend, but had to be back for work this week.

Through all of this, it was decided by the cardiologists & surgeons that it would be better for us to go to Boston sooner, rather than waiting for our existing appointment at the end of February. We're flying to Boston on January 25, and they'll be doing another cath (catheter procedure where they go through the femoral artery in Natalie's leg to go into the heart) on January 27th. What they find in the cath will dictate what happens from there. Basically, there are three possible scenarios. 1) they find that her pressures have improved and she's doing well, and they don't need to adjust anything. Then we could come home. 2) they feel her pressures are better, but they feel that they need to intervene surgically to further improve her heart functioning. 3) her pressures are worse or haven't improved, and we need to list Natalie for a heart transplant.

Obviously, we're praying for scenario 1, and we definitely don't want it to be scenario 3. If it is scenario 2, they already have a surgery scheduled for Wednesday, January 29th. We really don't know a lot until they perform the cath on January 27th. We will update here as the date gets closer, and when we have more information to pass along. Right now, it's more waiting and unknowns. We pray that Natalie doesn't need a heart transplant, but it's still a possibility.

We want to thank everyone for the continued prayers and well wishes, we're blessed to have the friends and family we have in our lives.

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