Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23 Update

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in the updates, but the week has been eventful and uneventful at the same time.  I think that I have spared you all the frustration by not updating you.

My week with Natalie has been exhausting.  Being here alone is very hard, but we know that it is only for a short time.  We have been on the surgery schedule and then off the schedule and then on the schedule again. The hope for the week was that Natalie would figure out this eating thing on her own once her meds were adjusted and she was better hydrated.  If she was able to avoid the feeding tube we wanted to give her a fair chance to do so. The key things we have been looking for have been increase in volume and therefor the hope to see a gain in weight. So in our effort, we did see sizable changes in the amount  that she ate.  One day she doubled her intake in fluids and food, only  to get on the scale at 3 am and see a drop in weight. She has lost weight 3 days in a row now.

At this point we are on the radar, but not on the schedule. The plan was to make the call on Monday. Brad has been here since Friday and it has been wonderful having him back again.  We have had a lot of time to talk and we think that the feeding tube will be best for Natalie. She is not gaining and we do not want  any more setbacks that would delay her development cognitively or physically.  She is now just barely 12 pounds at 9 1/2 months.  We are ready to move forward and see her get well. A feeding tube is not forever and it will help her gain the weight that she needs to gain.

Highlights for the week!
Aunt Nancy came to visit and brought some treats for me and ground chicken for Natalie
A family friend, Jen Vasey, came and I got to meet her new 3 week old baby Kol, and catch up.

Josh, Sara, Joshua and Wyatt stopped by and got to meet Natalie for the first time. We had a good time.  I have included a few pictures for you all to see.

Smokey the Bear came to visit, and Natalie wasn't even scared of him.

Daddy got here on Friday and Natalie was all smiles.  They have got to play and snuggle and I think it was good for both of them. I know Nat was in heaven going for rides in the stroller while I had sometime to unwind.

We are not sure to the date yet for the feeding tube. We have  requested earlier in the week if possible.  We would love to be home for Easter, but I think that is pushing it.  So chalk it up to another holiday in the hospital. It is what it is, and it's just a season in our lives. We know that God has carefully planned the care for Natalie and we are looking forward to the day when we can be home and free of  doctors appointments.

Please continue to pray for Natalie and her weight gain.  Also, for Brad and I as it has been very difficult being apart and Brad continues to care for our family from far away as I care for Natalie here.  I miss him terribly and I know that its equally hard for him to be away from us as well. Hopefully just one more week! 

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