Thursday, June 28, 2012

All Most There!

Brad and I are counting the days until we get to come home.  Our Target..... Saturday a.m. for discharge. YEAH!!!

Although we have come along way, we still have one last hurdle to get over.  The  little bug needs to gain some weight.  She must get that from Daddys side...  Not Mommies.  She is back to her birth weight now after 3 weeks.  We hope now that she can put some weight on since she is feeding again!  She is eating much better now.  A great breakfast eater and an afternoon snacker!  She is doing very well though.

I give a  big "Job Well Done" to all you mommy's and daddy's who have made it through the first few weeks with their babies!  It's not easy.  We stayed in the room with Natalie her first night and I believe that I got an entire 30 minutes of sleep in a recliner and Brad maybe clocked 45.  Not enough to raise a baby on!!!!   It's been tough, but we are learning. So much to learn from when and how to nurse, to diapers and how to burp her!   Sounds like easy chores, but it's been difficult at times.   We are catching on though and today was a better day than yesterday and that's all we can hope for.

So the plan is to gain some ounces over the next 2 days and hopefully get home on Saturday night.

Natalie is doing well.  She is a bit unsure what to do in the big quiet room, but she still gets plenty of disruptions to make her feel at home.  The CVIC was so loud and busy all the time and I think she got used to being poked at and monitored. She is going through withdrawal from her CVIC family of nurses and doctors.  We also have gotten to hold her a lot more in recovery, so she thinks that is the cat's meow and wants to be held all the time.  I think that she is just as excited to get home as we are.

We will have to come back in a month for her check up and have weekly echos in Bismarck as the watch to see if the left ventricle will grow with more blood exposure.  So we are praying for growth in the left ventricle.  They have changed her diagnosis just a little to Hypoplasia of the Left Ventricle. The doctor said  she is quite a unique case and that they only have research from 15 cases of this.  Maybe we can charge them for the learning opportunity that Natalie provided. We have to re-coop the money somehow, Right!!!   If not I guess we will have to settle with our second business investment.... Breast Milk production!!!!

Thank you to all who have been praying for Natalie and our family!  Although it's been a long journey and we have a long way to go, we are optimistic and thankful for God's Grace and the love and support of our family and friends.  We should be home soon and can't wait to see everyone again once we settle back in.  I am quite sure that we will never be more excited to see exit 159 as we will on Saturday!!!!!

See you all soon!!!

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